2017年11月21日 星期二

新竹市(科學園區) 岩盤美浴彤妍,@金山街按摩,金山街spa,金山街泰式按摩~竹科massage#stone spa#rock bath

竹科養生館-新竹光復路按摩,竹科按摩,指壓,SPA&岩盤浴,科學園區按摩店@(冷颼颼的冬天 來個岩盤浴吧) 加上泰式按摩 犒賞自己

Japan Stone Spa #Rock bath
竹科養生館-新竹光復路按摩,竹科按摩,指壓,SPA&岩盤浴,科學園區按摩店@(冷颼颼的冬天 來個岩盤浴吧) 加上泰式按摩 犒賞自己

#Hot Stone Spa - Hot Spring - MASSAGE HSINCHU TAAIWAN

What is Hot Stone Spa? Hot Stone Spa (Bedrock spa) is quoted as unique spa in the world but popular in Japan.
竹科養生館-新竹光復路按摩,竹科按摩,指壓,SPA&岩盤浴,科學園區按摩店@(冷颼颼的冬天 來個岩盤浴吧) 加上泰式按摩 犒賞自己

神奇的岩盤浴 ♨ I Love ♥ " #Ganbanyoku" ( #Stone SPA)

竹科養生館-新竹光復路按摩,竹科按摩,指壓,SPA&岩盤浴,科學園區按摩店@(冷颼颼的冬天 來個岩盤浴吧) 加上泰式按摩 犒賞自己

竹科養生館-新竹光復路按摩,竹科按摩,指壓,SPA&岩盤浴,科學園區按摩店@(冷颼颼的冬天 來個岩盤浴吧) 加上泰式按摩 犒賞自己

究竟什麼是「岩盤浴」?來來來 我們 岩盤美浴彤妍 不只有這個 還有 泰式按摩 中式按摩 SPA 做臉 腳底按摩 全身指壓

為了竹科人 壓力大 下班後 可以來這 放鬆身心靈 讓身體維持平衡
竹科養生館-新竹光復路按摩,竹科按摩,指壓,SPA&岩盤浴,科學園區按摩店@(冷颼颼的冬天 來個岩盤浴吧) 加上泰式按摩 犒賞自己


Hot Stone Spa - #spa #hot-stone-spa #Hot Stone Sauna HSINCHU CITY . #岩盤浴. 

[Hours] for 60 minutes 

(for guests staying at 岩盤美浴彤妍) 

[Usage] Reservations are required
竹科養生館-新竹光復路按摩,竹科按摩,指壓,SPA&岩盤浴,科學園區按摩店@(冷颼颼的冬天 來個岩盤浴吧) 加上泰式按摩 犒賞自己

#What is Ganbanyoku?

The Ganbanyoku or Traditional Japanese Hot Stone Therapy is a truly unique experience.

Are you seeking natural solutions to stimulate your immune system and maintain vitality and wellbeing?

#Ganbanyoku, which means bedrock bathing in Japanese, uses a special magma stone to heat the body from the outside in. 

The stones release #infrared rays and  #negative ions to speed up the release of toxins from the body through perspiration.
竹科養生館-新竹光復路按摩,竹科按摩,指壓,SPA&岩盤浴,科學園區按摩店@(冷颼颼的冬天 來個岩盤浴吧) 加上泰式按摩 犒賞自己

Pressure points around the body that are in contact with the stone are stimulated to alleviate joint, muscular and nerve pain. 

竹科養生館-新竹光復路按摩,竹科按摩,指壓,SPA&岩盤浴,科學園區按摩店@(冷颼颼的冬天 來個岩盤浴吧) 加上泰式按摩 犒賞自己

The stones are kept between 42°C to 44°C and the ambient humidity at between 62% to 65%,

providing a comfortable temperature that is both safe and enjoyable.